




On the Buzzword Involution, or Neijuan



When you see your peers are receiving private tutoring, you rush to get it for yourself too, this is involution in education; when you outstay your colleagues in the office, this is involution in the workplace; when a rival real estate company bids for a covetable plot, your company rush to follow suit, this is involution in the real estate industry…When everyone around is involuting themselves for something, are you in the rat race too?


Involution, or what in Chinese is called neijuan, is a sociological term which is used more broadly today to describe the increasingly complicated development of a society that tends inward instead of outward. Nei means “inside the system”, whereas juan literally means rolling or curling but here it connotes an extreme and meaningless competition intended solely to outdo your rivals. On the Internet in China today, the word neijuan means one’s involuntary participation in endless competitions or excessive competition among peers. 


Today neijuan is used everywhere in our daily life. Let’s anatomize the part of the speech of the word and its various usages with example sentences.


First, neijuan could be used as a noun, denoting the irrational competition in various fields. For example:


(1) Neijuan is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the Internet industry.


(2) We should break the vicious circle of neijuan and avoid meaningless competition.


Second, neijuan can be used as a verb. Sometimes we can omit nei (inside) and simply use juan to stand for neijuan. For instance:


(1) Each year when the new semester begins, colleges would rush to juan each other in the acceptance letter they issue to new students.


(2) With ever-fiercer competition in education, parents start to juan their kids from kindergarten, hurrying them from private tutorials to talent classes…


Third, neijuan can also be used as an adjective to describe an abnormal, irrational competition. For example:


(1) The corporate culture of this firm is very juan and the employees are accustomed to excessively long working hours.


(2) All my classmates are extremely juan (adj.) — they study even when they are in a queue or having a meal! I’ve no strength left to juan (v.) anymore. What can I do?


Neijuan happens when one feels pressured to follow the herd. Certainly, not all students love to take extracurricular lessons. But when some students choose to take extra tutoring to gain better grades, other students have to follow suit so that they will not be outperformed. Similarly, not every worker is willing to work extra hours, but once some employees are willing to stay in the office one hour longer, others have to join the race lest they are labelled “not industrious enough”. In the age of neijuan, everyone is like a self-whipping top, caught in the trap of constantly whipping himself/herself to keep the spinning on.


The subject of neijuan could be individuals, but it could also be institutions such as corporations or universities.


Take the real estate business as an example. The top players in the field bid exorbitantly to acquire land lots lest they lose a profitable lot to their rivals. In the context of neijuan, no one is willing to acknowledge defeat and leave the table, even when the cost of bidding is tolling hard on their resources.


When it comes to neijuan in higher education, the acceptance letters issued by universities provide a case in point. Nanjing University once issued a luminous acceptance letter with the words “embrace the boundless universe in your heart”. Harbin Institute of Technology boasted acceptance letters decorated with gemstones, displaying a unique form of romanticism of a technology college. The acceptance letter from Southeast University is even more versatile: it can sing as well as shine in the dark. Lucky students who have received such luxury acceptance letters joked: “Who could imagine this is an acceptance letter? It’s a surprise gift indeed!” “Nowadays even acceptance letters have to juan themselves!”


Not only can acceptance letters blow one’s mind, but even the Mid-autumn mooncakes also become a contesting ground of neijuan, with new contestants from fields other than the food industry. Today, universities, hospitals, and museums are all new players in the mooncake-making business and they each produce specially designed mooncakes with the institution’s signature. Beihang University launched a mooncake with aircraft patterns. Nanjing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine produced mooncakes made from traditional Chinese medicine that boast health benefits. The Palace Museum launched a mooncake box displaying the pattern of the four mythic creatures — the Green Dragon, the White Tiger, the Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise — surrounding the moon from east, west, south and north… More and more innovatively designed mooncakes steeped in cultural motifs are entering the market.


The driving forces behind neijuan in various fields are commercial incentives and a warped mentality of competitionism. One can’t help but ask: Why engage oneself in this ceaseless competition? Is it really so bad to dare to be ordinary? Indeed, a better, more colorful world needs more innovative and individual lifestyles and less blind copying and neijuan.














作者:钱    铨 Qian Quan

翻译:符梦醒 Fu Mengxing

供图:视觉中国 VCG.COM

          哈尔滨工业大学 Harbin Institute of Technology

          东南大学 Southeast University

          故宫博物院 The Palace Museum

          北京航空航天大学 Beihang University



孔子学院 Confucius Institute

