
孔院微课堂 | 浅说汉语词的分类






In grammar, the lexical categories are classifications based on the different functions of words displayed within a grammatical  structure.  They are in fact grammatical categories. Classification of this kind is to illustrate different usages of words in a given grammatical structure, and the rules by which those words combine together to form a bigger unit. As such, any discussion of morphology and syntax cannot do away with lexical categories.

汉语的词类,首先可根据词在句法结构里能否单独充当句法成分区分出实词和虚词两大类。实词是指能在句法结构里单独作某种句法成分的词,如“天”“走”“看”“伟大”“很”等。虚词是指不能在句法结构里单独作某种句法成分的词, 如“的”“而”“吗”“所以”等。在分出实词、虚词以后,可以进行再分类。

The Chinese lexical categories can be first divided into notional and functional parts of speech, based upon whether the word can perform an independent property in a syntactic structure. The notional classes are words that play an independent role to form syntactical unit, such as tian (sky), zou (walk), kan (look), weida (great), hen (very), and so forth. The functional classes, in contrast, refer to the opposite word classes that cannot fulfill a syntactic property individually, including de (of), er (but), ma1, suoyi (so), etc. Once sorted, these two big categories can be divided into further smaller classes.

1TN: A question particle that is used to turn statements into yes-no ques- tions in the Chinese language. It has no specific meaning, hence untrans- latable as an independent entity.


The syntactic properties of the notional word classes are observed in the different pairing combinations between two words. That is to say, we are to observe whether the two words can be combined together to form a larger syntactic unit. If so, how will the combination manifest? What semantic relation will the combination display? Such combinations usually occur in the form of nominal phrases. Therefore, we can group the notional category of words under different rubrics in phrases or clauses by way of extrapolation and collocation. For example, in phrases such as buchi (don’t eat), buzou (don’t walk) and buwan (don’t play), the words chi (eat), zou (walk) and wan (play) are combined with the adverb bu (don’t) to form a generic syntactic structure. Hence, these words can be grouped under one category. On the contrary, phrases like bubi (don’t pen), butian (don’t sky) and budiandeng (don’t lamp) make no sense. The three words bi (pen), tian (sky) and diandeng (lamp) then illustrate a different syntactic property from chi, belonging to a different category.





(4)形容词 “红”“大”“甜”之类);

(5)数词(“一”“五”“八” 之类);


(7) 区别词(“男”“国产”“大型”之类 );

(8)副词 (“不”“很”“忽然”之类)。

Based on the varying syntactical properties, the Chinese notional words can be divided into eight categories:

1) nouns(ren [human],shu [tree],fangzi [house],etc.); 

2) pronouns, or personal pronouns (wo [me], ni [you], ta [him], etc.); 

3) verbs (chi [eat], zou [walk], du [read], etc.);

4) adjectives (hong [red], da [big], tian [sweet], etc.); 

5) numerals (yi [one], wu [five], ba [eight], etc.); 

6) demonstrative and indefinite pronouns (zhe [this], na [that], mei [every], etc.); 

7) non-predicate adjectives (nan [man], guochan [home-grown], daxing [large-scale], etc.);

8) adverbs (bu [not], hen [very], huran [suddenly], etc.).

虚词的语法功能表现在它依附于实词而作为一种语法手段,在短语或句子里表示某种语法意义(包括句法的、语义的、语用的)。根据虚词的语法功能,汉语的虚词可分为六类:(1)方位词(“上”“下”“里”之类),附着在实词后构成方位短语;(2)量词(“个”“本”“块” 之类),附着在数词或指词后构成量词短语;(3)介词(“在”“从”“把”之类),附着在实词前构成介宾短语;(4)连词(“和”“而”“并”之类),连结两个或两个以上的实词(或短语、小句)表示某种结构关系;(5)助词 (“的”“得”“所”之类),附着在实词上表示某种结构关系;(6)语气词(“啊”“吗”“呢”之类),附着在句末表示语气。

The functional words rely on the notional words to perform their grammatical duty, displaying a certain grammatical function (including syntactical, semantic and pragmatic). Based on their varying duties, the functional words in the Chinese lexicon can be divided into six categories:  1) nouns of locality (shang [above], xia [below], li [in], etc.); 2) quantifiers (ge2, ben3, kuai4, etc.), which follow numerals or pronouns to form a quantifier phrases; 3) prepositions (zai  [at], cong [from], ba5 , etc.), which follow notional words to form preposition-object phrases; 4) conjunctions (he [and], er [but], bing [and], etc.), which link two and above notional words (or phrases, clauses) to display a certain logical structure; 5) auxiliaries (de [of], de [-ly], suo6, etc.), which usually appear together with notional words to display a certain syntactic structure; 6) modal particles (a [ah], ma, ne7, etc.), which are usually placed at the end of a sentence to express a certain mood.

2TN: The most common classifier that sits between a numeral and a noun to indicate the property of the noun.

3TN: The classifier for books or pamphlets.

4TN: The classifier used for things that are in pieces or in lumps.

5TN: A modifier that suggests the active voice in which an action is performed.

6TN: Usually used before a verb or a V-C construction to indicate the passive voice.

7TN: Both ma and ne are used at the end of a sentence to mark an interrogative tone.


Notional  words  can  be  divided  further  into smaller categories. Such categorization is based on the semantic roles that the words play in a phrase. Nouns as such include categories of concrete nouns, abstract nouns, place nouns and temporal nouns. Concrete nouns are again consisted of animate nouns and inanimate nouns or person nouns and object nouns. Object nouns then contain food nouns and non-food nouns. Verbs comprise of action verbs, state verbs, relational verbs and so on. Adjectives are composed of attributive adjectives, descriptive adjectives, etc. Adverbs are seen in categories of negation, degree, time, place and manner and so forth. All the categorizations above are form- based. These more meticulous divided categories help to illustrate the rules whereby all the notional words are combined together semantically.

除实词和虚词外,还有两个特殊的词类:感叹词(表示感叹或应答,如“哎”“哎哟”“哦”之类) 和拟声词(摹拟声音,如“叮咚”“哗啦”“轰隆隆”之类) 。它们并不依附于实词,在句中位置灵活,有时可独立成句;依靠虚词的帮助,在句法结构里有时可以作句法成分,所以它们接近于实词,但又不能归入实词,更不能归入虚词。

Apart from the notional and functional classes, there are two other unique categories in the Chinese lexicon: interjections (to express feelings or respond, such as ai [ugh], aiyo [ouch], o [oh], etc.) and onomatopoeia (to emulate sounds, such as ding-dong, hua-la, hong-long-long, etc.). They are independent of the notional parts of speech and flexible as to their positions in a sentence; sometimes they can form an independent sentence. With the help of functional words, they at times can form part of a syntactic structure. As such, they are similar to notional words, but belong to a different category other than the notional and functional ones. 


About the author:Fan Xiao renowned linguist, professor of Department of Chinese and doctoral supervisor at Fudan University.







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翻译:龙超  Long Chao

美术编辑:姚媛媛 海伊帆(实习)


孔子学院 Confucius Institute

