









01 You have good value

● “Good value” can be a bigger compliment than “brilliant.” I’m not sure this is always true but it seems like it if you listen hard. Oh, and “brilliant” is to the British what “awesome” is to Americans. You hear it all the time.

● 在美国大家用来称赞的话通常是“Awesome”或者"Amazing"等等,但是在伦敦,更多时候会夸一个人有一个很棒的价值观,这种认同感是更加高级的。

02 You ok?

● Instead of “how are you” people often say “you ok? or “you well?” It always strikes me as odd - it sounds more to me like my mom asking me how I’m doing on a day she knows I’m not feeling well. No matter how many times I hear it I can’t seem to get used to it.

● 一般情况下问“You OK?”都是感觉这个人心情不太好,就像我们关切地问同学,你没事吧?潜台词就是需要我陪伴吗?有什么事说出来就好了。


03 Always be Polite

● Say “please,” “pardon me,” and “thank you” a lot. And generally, be overly conscious of your own manners. Make sure you remember them and use them.

● 无时无刻都要把文明用语挂嘴边哦~虽然小时候课本标语都是这么提倡的,但是长大之后可能会稍微有些麻木,还是要提醒自己多说这些话,其实哥觉得每次说谢谢,看到对方会心一笑自己也很开心,加上了“please”也比较好办事。

04 Terrible stairs

● The Underground - called the Tube - has a lot of stairs in an out of the stations, and between lines if you have to change lines. If you have a lot of luggage and it’s rush hour, it can be a challenge to carry more than one heavy bag up the long flight of stairs. It can be particularly challenging if you’ve flown overnight to get there and you happen to be on the train at rush hour. (Bonus tip: if you take the Tube from Heathrow and you need to change from the Piccadilly Line to the District line, you can change at Hammersmith without climbing any stairs.)

● 坐惯国内地铁的朋友们可能也遇到过这样的情况,地铁换乘之间只有楼梯没有电梯,如果这时候遇上开学或是放假,提着大包小包的行李,那真是苦不堪言。


05 Look left

● Be really, really careful when you cross a busy London street. No matter how frequently or how long you are there, if you grew up in a place where you drive on the other side of the road, you still get surprised when it feels like they come flying around the corner from the opposite direction.


 06 About the Queue 

● Learn how to queue. Don’t ever jump the queue. Sometimes the way the queue should form is not clear - there aren’t velvet ropes always showing you the way. Quietly observe for a minute to see how it’s flowing. But don’t rush in, wait your turn in line and be patient about it.

● 虽说国内以前不排队一直为人诟病,但是近年来城市里已经好多了,而且到处有围栏和各种指示,地铁里高峰时期大家基本能自觉排两队。但是伦敦的队伍有时候不那么成形,却的确是在排队...这种情况下只能先仔细观察,再跟着排,不要自作主张插队哦。

07 Station 

● Meeting at the “station” usually means the train part, even if you came by subway. So if you say you are coming on the Tube and will meet the person at Victoria Station, it’s likely they will be waiting for you in the National Rail area. Clarify first. This has happened to me at more than one Tube station co-located with National Rail.

● 一般我们学习的时候 Station就是车站,地铁车站和火车车站都可以用Station,但是在伦敦,station是特指火车车站,要注意区分,免得走冤枉路,或是跟朋友碰面找不到对方了。

08 Taxi

● If you get in the car with a London driver, brace yourself. U-turns, threading needles, playing chicken (although not really because they are actually being really polite) and sudden stops all feel exponentially more extreme when you are holding on for dear life on the “wrong” side of the road. You’ll need some tea when you arrive safely at your destination.

● 伦敦虽然路窄,但是各个出租车都是“老司机”,特别是本地人,轻车熟路,什么180度急转弯,即停即走根本不在话下,以至于安全到达目的地,你可能情不自禁想喝杯开水压压惊。(坐车一定要系好安全带!

09 A map messes you up

● The London Tube Map is not representative of the direction or location of the river. Once you start walking around, you’ll find twisty streets that were not made for cars but probably were cowpaths. Before you know it, even if you have a good sense of direction, you’ll be headed north when you thought it was south and the river won’t help because it bends a lot. In my mind I see a picture of the Tube map and it messes me up every time.

● 伦敦这个上千年历史的城市,城市道路也是从古至今延续下来的,今天你脚下的路,几百年前也许是给马给牛准备的,所以弯弯曲曲就不足为奇了。所以看地图的时候一定要仔细辨认方向,否者你可能自以为在朝南走,结果过了20分钟发现原来向北走了...那就很尴尬了






