
丹叔版007绝唱《无暇赴死》 | 外刊精读解析

译介 译介 2023-06-20



swan song 是指“天鹅歌声”吗?









No Time To Die review: Daniel Craig bids farewell to James Bond in style


He's got a license to kill and he's got No Time to Die. But in Daniel Craig's final outing as James Bond, the suave superspy finally gets a life. Already a hit at the box office, this 25th 007 film is an epic, explosive and emotional swan song that throws everything against the wall for a genuinely unique entry in the long-running series.




bid farewell



bid 表示“向某人问候、道别等”,如 bid (somebody) good morning/farewell (to somebody),用于较正式的语境中。

注意 bid 过去式为:bid bade过去分词为:bidbidden


in style


这里不是指“在风格上”或“时髦有型”,而是 in a way that is impressive or admired because it shows talent, good taste, etc. 令人印象深刻的;有格调的


He finished the tournament in style by winning his last match very easily. 他轻松地赢得了最后一场比赛,气派地结束了这次锦标赛。




名词,指 a short trip, usually with a group of people, away from your home, school, or place of work. (常指集体的) 短途旅行; 外出



One evening, she made a rare outing to the local night club. 一天晚上,她难得地去了一趟当地的夜总会。

另外,outing 有“比赛”的意思


suave adj. /swɑːv/


英汉词典中将这个词译为“精明练达的,圆滑的”,其英文释义为 confident, elegant and polite, sometimes in a way that does not seem sincere,即温文尔雅但有时缺乏真诚,通常用于形容男性。


Attractive, well-spoken and suave, he says all the right things and makes all the right promises. 他有魅力,谈吐得体,温文尔雅,说的都是正确的事情,做出的都是正确的承诺。


swan song


指 the last time that people do something for which they are famous, for example the last time that an actor gives a performance in the theatre 最后的作品; 告别演出

取自《生活大爆炸 第七季 The Big Bang Theory Season 7 第13集》


throw everything against the wall

这个表达出自一个英文俗语 Throw it against the wall to see if it sticks. 检验意大利面是否煮熟的一个老方法就是扔一根面条到冰箱上,如果粘上了,就表示面条煮熟了。这个表达后用来比喻检验一件事或一个方法是否有效

在实际使用中,这个俗语中的 it 可能会替换为 them 或者 everything 等代词。


We're running out of time to achieve profitability. We've come up with a lot of ideas. Now it's time to throw everything against the wall and hope something will stick. 我们实现盈利的时间已经不多了。我们想出了很多点子,现在是时候都付诸实践试验一下,希望有所收效。




The movie is now open in the US, following a series-best opening weekend in the UK. Having played Bond for 15 years over five films since Casino Royale in 2006, Craig is now the longest-serving Bond. So No Time to Die already had an end-of-era feel about it, and if you factor in a pandemic-provoked delay of nearly two years, the film's arrival feels positively giddy.





试想一下,如果我们在英译汉时想表达“电影上映”,是否会用到 open 这个词?如果不会,你可能怎么表达呢?


·The Guardian: The next box office test for No Time to Die will be its launch on 8 October in the US, film, the world’s biggest market, followed by China on 29 October. 《无暇赴死》的下一场票房测试是其将于10月8日在全球最大的电影市场美国上映,随后是10月29日在中国上映。

·Forbes: Universal and MGM opened No Time to Die (review) in 54 overseas markets, in advance of its debut in North America (October 8) and China (October 29). 环球影业和米高梅在54个海外市场上映了《无暇赴死》,随后将在北美(10月8日)和中国(10月29日)上映。

·The Independent: And yet in “No Time to Die,” which debuted with $56 million in U.S. and Canada theaters over the weekend, the unthinkable happens. 然而,在上周末在美国和加拿大上映的《无暇赴死》(No Time to Die)中,不可思议的事情发生了。该片首映票房为5600万美元

·USA Today: With Daniel Craig’s swan song, “No Time to Die,” finally arriving after an 18-month pandemic-related delay. 丹尼尔·克雷格的绝唱《无暇赴死》在因疫情而推迟18个月后终于上映。

可以看到,4家媒体分别用了 launchopendebutarrive


factor in


If you factor a particular cost or element into a calculation you are making, or if you factor it in, you include it 将…因素包括进来


Companies also need to factor in the cost of voice and data, development, management and support. 企业还需要考虑语音和数据、开发、管理和支持的成本。




feeling that everything is moving and that you are going to fall 头晕;令人眩晕的


When I looked down from the top floor, I felt giddy (= dizzy). 我从顶楼朝下看时感到头晕目眩。

These giddy social media tech ideologies need a lot more skepticism of the thoughtful sort. 这些令人眼花缭乱的社交媒体技术意识形态需要更多深思熟虑的怀疑主义。

giddy 还可以表示“高兴或激动地发狂


Anthony was giddy with self-satisfaction. 安东尼自鸣得意得忘乎所以了。



That actually plays out on the screen: Packed with familiar faces but shepherded by some shrewdly chosen newcomers, No Time to Die packs a quintessentially Bond punch while also taking huge risks with the aging character and decades-old formula. Every Bond film markets itself as a fresh twist, but No Time to Die is genuinely bonkers at how far it goes. It's so un-Bond at times it's almost anti-Bond. These creative choices may be divisive, but you've got to hand it to the filmmakers for thinking big and bold. 



首句的 that 指上文“电影的上映令人眼花缭乱”。


shepherd /ˈʃepəd/



作动词表示 to guide somebody or a group of people somewhere, making sure they arrive at the right place safely 带领;引;护送


She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft. 她由她的警卫们护送登上飞机后部的活动舷梯。


shrewd adj. /ʃruːd/


being able to understand and judge a situation quickly and to use this understanding to their own advantage精明的;敏锐的;有眼光的


Businesses send shrewd employees, even their children, to school on their own account all the time. 企业总是把精明的员工,甚至他们的孩子,送去自己的学校。


quintessential adj. /ˌkwɪntɪˈsenʃl/


representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class 典型的,典范的,完美的


It is a familiar, and quintessentially Japanese ritual. 它是个熟悉而又典型的日式仪式。

取自《生活大爆炸 第二季 The Big Bang Theory Season 2 第8集》


punch /pʌntʃ/



在本段中意为 the power to interest people 吸引力


It's a well-constructed crime story, told with speed and punch. 这篇描写犯罪的故事构思精巧,情节紧凑,引人入胜。

根据读音,大家还可以记住 punch 的另一个意思,指“潘趣酒”。




bonkers adj. /ˈbɒŋkəz/


completely crazy and silly 疯狂;愚蠢透顶


I'll go bonkers if I have to wait any longer. 如果再等下去,我非发疯不可。




该词有消极色彩,表示 causing people to be split into groups that disagree with or oppose each other 造成不和的;引起分歧的;制造分裂的


Abortion has always been a divisive issue. 堕胎一直是个有争议的问题。


hand it to


美国俚语 to give deserved credit to 赞扬

一般以 have to hand it to 的形式出现


You've got to hand it to her—she's a great cook. 你没法不佩服她——她的厨艺的确了不起。



Last time we saw Britain's sexiest super-spy, he'd chucked in the espionage game at the end of 2015's Spectre and revived his Aston Martin into the sunset with new love Madeleine Swann. Every relationship has its little tiffs, like how Madeleine's boyfriend and her father spent several previous films trying to kill each other. But she's more vexed about his ex: the late Vesper Lynd from Casino Royale, who started Craig's inexperienced spy on the road to becoming the James Bond we know. So Bond interrupts a scenic Italian holiday to say goodbye to his past -- and you can probably guess how that goes. Bond, Madeleine and Aston Martin are soon locked in an explosive battle with mysterious assassins as their romantic getaway becomes, well, a getaway.




chuck in


to abandon or give up 抛弃或放弃


Officials worried that a more erudite class of executioner might be tempted to chuck in this job for another. 官员们担心,更博学的刽子手可能会放弃这份工作,转而从事另一份工作。


espionage n. /ˈespiənɑːʒ/


the activity of secretly getting important political or military information about another country or of finding out another company's secrets by using spies 间谍活动;谍报活动;刺探活动


Some of the commercial activities were a cover for espionage. 有些商业活动是为间谍活动提供掩护。


tiff n. /tɪf/


a slight argument between close friends or lovers 朋友或情人之间的争执,拌嘴,口角,吵嘴


作者在此处用 tiff 来形容邦德和其女友父亲长期想要杀死对方,达到戏谑讽刺的效果。


vexed adj. /vekst/


difficult to deal with 棘手的,伤脑筋的


Few are more vexed in ageing Britain than how to pay for long-term care for the elderly. 在老龄化的英国,没有什么比如何支付老年人的长期护理费用更让人烦恼的了。


getaway n.

本段最后一句用到了 getaway 的两个不同义项:

1)a short holiday/vacatio; a place that is suitable for a holiday/vacation 短假;假日休闲地;适合度假的地方

2)an escape from a difficult situation, especially after committing a crime (尤指犯罪后的)逃跑,逃走

本句中,第一个 getaway 指“度假”,那么第二个就是“逃跑”了。



That early showpiece shootout marks out No Time to Die as something a little different. In previous Bond movies, bulletproof glass is just another cheeky little optional extra for a gimmick-packed chase scene, as bullets bounce off harmlessly and Bond zooms away for a well-earned vodka martini.



第二句中的 as 为连词,小编认为这里表示“因为;由于”,说明将防弹玻璃称为“厚颜无耻的附加选项”的原因。


cheeky adj /ˈtʃiːki/


rude in an amusing or an annoying way 厚脸皮的;鲁莽的;放肆的


Slingshot aims to launch cheeky, quickie news and sports sites that are modeled after Daily Fill. Slingshot的目标是模仿Daily Fill推出鲁莽的、快速的新闻和体育网站。


gimmick n. /ˈɡɪmɪk/


这个词含贬义,表示 an unusual trick or unnecessary device that is intended to attract attention or to persuade people to buy something 为引人注意或诱人购买而搞的花招,把戏,噱头


Some might say pairing a pop band with the Stratford is a marketing gimmick. 有人可能会说,将流行乐队与斯特拉特福德组合在一起是一种营销噱头。

表示“噱头”的词还有 stunt,同样含有贬义


In a bold promotional stunt for the movie, he smashed his car into a passing truck. 在那部影片大胆的宣传噱头中,他把自己的汽车撞向一辆过路的卡车。



But here, the bludgeoning impact of every machine gun round is brutally felt, with whip-crack sound design giving a real sense of threat. But more importantly, inside the car Madeleine also batters at Bond's own bulletproof shell. It isn't just the glass cracking with every punishing impact, but it's two battered human beings threatening to break.




bludgeon v. /ˈblʌdʒən/ 


本段中指 to hit somebody several times with a heavy object 用重器连击某人

加 –ing 后用作形容词

bludgeon 还表示 to force somebody to do something, especially by arguing with them迫使…(尤指通过争辩)

搭配:bludgeon somebody into something/into doing something


Looks like Facebook is going to bludgeon the public into submission with Facebook Home being advertised absolutely everywhere. 看起来Facebook将迫使公众屈服于Facebook Home无处不在的广告。


batter v. /ˈbætə(r)/


to hit somebody/something hard many times, especially in a way that causes serious damage 连续猛击;殴打


The passengers were battered by flying luggage and cargo as the cabin lost pressure. 当机舱失去压力时,乘客们受到飞落的行李和货物连续猛击。


punishing adj. /ˈpʌnɪʃɪŋ/


punish 的形容词形式并不表示“惩罚”,而是 long and difficult and making you work hard so you become very tired 艰难持久的;令人筋疲力尽的


He claimed his punishing work schedule had made him resort to taking the drug. 他声称,繁重的工作日程使他不得不服用药物。



That's the key ingredient of No Time to Die. Yes, it's beautiful to look at, with luminous cinematography and thrilling kinetic action. But it thinks a little deeper than the surface gloss of a superficial action romp, holding its gaze on stuff that earlier Bond films didn't think to show. Where does James Bond go when the film is over? What's he like on vacation? What's James Bond like when he's having fun? No Time to Die's screenplay is credited to long-time series writers Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, but also to director Cary Joji Fukunaga and Fleabag creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge. It's hard to know who came up with which ideas, but it's tempting to see this meld of old hands and new faces as key to the film's success.




romp n. /rɒmp/


此处指 an amusing book, play or film/movie that is full of action or adventure 妙趣横生的历险故事书籍或戏剧、电影

romp 作动词表示“嬉戏喧闹


Dogs and little children romped happily in the garden. 小孩子们和狗们在那座花园里嬉戏喧闹。

romp 出现在 romp home,romp in 或 romp to victory 等词组中,表示“轻松获胜


The Dutch team romped to a 5–1 victory over Celtic. 荷兰队以5:1轻松战胜了凯尔特队。


it's tempting to see


tempt 表示“引诱”,写作时运用 it's tempting to see,it tends to be,it could be the case that, it is widely agreed that 等模糊限制语,可避免表达过于武断,使措辞更谨慎。


meld n. 


A meld of things is a mixture or combination of them that is useful or pleasant. 有益或愉快的混合


a perfect meld of art and social comment 一种艺术与社会评论的完美融合















Welcome to the hell




