
CNN:恒大深陷破产风波 | 外刊精读解析

译介 译介 2022-06-09







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Property giant Evergrande warns again that it could defaulton its enormous debts地产巨头恒大再次警告称,它可能会拖欠巨额债务

📒 精读解析:
1、default /dɪˈfɔːlt/
①failure/fail to do something that must be done by law, especially paying a debt 违约(尤指未偿付债务)

Mortgage defaults have risen in the last year. 按揭借款违约在近一年里呈上升趋势。
The credit card business is down, and more borrowers are defaulting on loans.信用卡生意正在走下坡路,更多的借贷人不履行还贷责任。
② what happens or appears if you do not make any other choice or change 默认;系统设定值;预置值
【例句】The default option is to save your work every five minutes. 默认设置为每五分钟存盘一次。
Without that sort of evidence, we default to the most likely scenario and that belongs to someone with the actual initials G. 没有这样的证据,我们就会默认为最有可能的情况,那属于名字首字母是G的某个人。
【习语】by default在另外的可能性没有发生的情况下in default of something 由于缺乏…;因为没有…
【例句】I would rather pay the individuals than let the money go to the State by default.  我宁可把钱付给个人,也不会毫无选择就把钱交给国家。

9号秘事 第6季 第5集


Evergrande is once again warning that it could default on its huge debts as it struggles to cut costs or find anyone to buy some of its assets. The embattled property giant has already warned in recent weeks of its cash crisis, listing $300 billion in total liabilities and saying that it could default if it's unable to raise money quickly.恒大再次警告称,该公司正在努力削减成本或寻找买家购买部分资产,可能会出现巨额债务违约。这家陷入困境的房地产巨头最近几周已经就其现金危机发出了警告,列出了总计3000亿美元的债务,并表示如果无法迅速筹集资金,它可能会违约。
1、embattled a. /ɪmˈbætld/
① having a lot of problems or difficulties. 问题缠身的; 处于困境的
【例句】The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostage by his own soldiers. 这位焦头烂额的总统还否认了最近说他被自己的士兵扣留当人质的说法。
② involved in the fighting in a war, especially one that is surrounded by enemy forces. 卷入战争的; 四面楚歌的
【例句】Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.  双方都表示想设法为处于战乱中的岛屿北部和东部找到政治解决方案。
这个词看似动词加 –ed 后变成的形容词,实际其动词形式 embattle 的含义并非“使问题缠身”或“使卷入战争”,而是to deploy (troops) for battle 部署(部队)以准备战斗,含义不如其形容词形式丰富。
2、liability n.
大家对这个词比较熟悉的意思是“责任、义务”常用搭配是 liability for something 或 liability to do something.
在本段中的意思是the amount of money that a person or company owes 欠债;负债;债务。
在财务专业术语中和asset 资产相对,如Asset and Liability Management 资产负债管理,简称ALM。
【例句】The company had assets of $138 million and liabilities of $120.5 million.  该公司有1.38亿美元资产和1.205亿美元的负债。
【例句】As the president's prestige continues to fall, they're clearly beginning to consider him a liability.  随着总统的威信持续下降,他们显然开始认为他是一个累赘。
该词的形容词形式 liable 除了表示 legally responsible for something 对…负法律责任的,还可以表示 likely to experience or do something 很有可能的;易于
【例句】We're all liable to make mistakes when we're tired. 人在疲劳时都可能出差错。
You are more liable to injury if you exercise infrequently. 不经常运动就更容易受伤。



The group has already suspended work on some projects as it tries to conserve cash. Evergrande disclosed on Tuesday that it had made no material progress in its search for investors to buy part of its stakes in its electric vehicle and property services businesses.为了节省资金,集团已经暂停了一些项目的工作。恒大周二披露,在寻找投资者购买其在电动汽车和房地产服务业务中的部分股权方面,“没有取得实质性进展”。

1、conserve v. /kənˈsɜːrv/
① to use as little of something as possible so that it lasts a long time 节省;节约【例句】
The factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy.  这些工厂在那个周末关了厂以节省能源。
② to protect something and prevent it from being changed or destroyed 保护,维持
【例句】Forester Boykin said it's worth it to conserve such a large tract of land and water. 护林人博伊金说,保护这么大一块土地和水是值得的。

2、stake n. /steɪk/
本段中stake 表示“股本、股份”。
stake 更常见的含义是“an important part or share in a business, plan, etc. (商业中的)重大利害关系”,如 stakeholder 利益相关者。
【例句】Many young people no longer feel they have a stake in society. 很多年轻人不再觉得他们与社会休戚相关。
习语:at stake 成败难料;得失都可能;有风险
【例句】We cannot afford to take risks when peoples' lives are at stake. 现在人命攸关,不容我们有闪失。
stake也可以作动词:stake (something) out (something) 公开宣布(所有权,立场等)
【例句】Adams staked out his claim for a place in the Olympic team with his easy win yesterday. 亚当斯昨天轻松获胜,这无异于告诉人们奥运代表队中应有他的位置。
【知识扩展】其他表示“股票”的词还有share,stock 和 equity。
【例句】If a company has issued 100,000 shares of stock, and a shareholder has 1,000 shares, he owns a 1% stake in the business. 如果一家公司发行了10万股股票,而一个股东持有1000股,他就拥有该公司1% 的股份。
The software titan's most high-profile partnership is with Facebook, in which it owns a small equity stake. 这家软件巨头最引人注目的合作伙伴是Facebook,它持有该公司的少量股权。



If the group is unable to meet its guarantee obligation or to repay any debt when due or agree with the relevant creditors on extensions of such debts or alternative agreements, it may lead to cross-default, it said.公司表示:“如果无法履行其担保义务或偿还任何到期债务,或无法与相关债权人就此类债务的延期或替代协议达成一致,就可能导致连带违约。”

从句中的meet 和 agree 并列,主谓部分都是the group is unable to.
1、guarantee obligation 
* 保证责任,就是保证人应当承担的法律责任。保证是指保证人和债权人约定,当债务人不履行债务时,保证人按照约定履行债务或承担责任的行为。
* 连带违约,是指商业银行的贷款条款的一种,如果借款方不履行任何一项与银行签定的其他贷款合同则被视为违反本次贷款合同。
3、creditor n. /ˈkredɪtər/
a person, company, etc. that someone owes money to 债权人;债主;贷方,和“debtor 债务人;借方”相对。
【例句】If the debtor sells the partnership or LLC interest, the creditor gets the sale proceeds. 如果债务人出售合伙企业或有限责任公司的权益,债权人获得出售收益。
4、 extension n. /ɪkˈstɛnʃən/
① the act of increasing the area of activity, group of people, etc. that is affected by something 扩大;延伸The bank plans various extensions to its credit facilities. 银行计划多方扩展信贷服务。
② a new room or building that is added to an existing building or group of buildings. (已有建筑或建筑群的) 延伸建筑We are thinking of having an extension built, as we now require an extra bedroom.  我们正在考虑扩建房屋,因为我们现在需要多一间卧室。
③ an extra period of time for which something lasts or is valid, usually as a result of official permission. 延长的期限He first entered the country on a six-month visa, and was given a further extension of six months.  他最初凭有效期为6个月的签证进入这个国家,之后又得到了6个月的续签。
④  电话分机She can get me on extension 308. 她可以通过分机308找到我。



The company also announced in a stock exchange filing in Hong Kong that it had enlisted financial advisers to evaluate the liquidity of the group and explore all feasible solutions as quickly as possible. But the company cautioned that nothing was guaranteed.该公司还在香港提交给证交所的一份文件中宣布,其已尽快聘请财务顾问来“评估集团的流动资金,并探索所有可行的解决方案”。但该公司谨慎地说无法提供任何保证。

1、enlist v.
① to persuade somebody to help you or to join you in doing something 争取,谋取(帮助、支持或参与),可以看出这个词强调“persuade 劝说”,是经过主观努力使某人加入的结果。
【例句】I had to cut down a tree and enlist the help of seven neighbours to get it out of the garden!  我不得不砍了一棵树,然后找了7位邻居帮忙把它从花园里弄出去。
② 特指 to join or to make someone join the armed forces (使)入伍;从军
【例句】He enlisted as a private in the Mexican War. 他以列兵身份参加了墨西哥战争。
2、 liquidity n. /lɪˈkwɪdəti/
金融术语,In finance, a company's liquidity is the amount of cash or liquid assets it has easily available. 资产流动性;资产变现能力
【例句】The company maintains a high degree of liquidity. 这个公司保持着很强的资产折现力。



The disclosure came hours after Evergrande, which is one of China's largest real estate developers, had sought to reassure the public about its business. In a statement Monday night, the Shenzhen-based conglomerate addressed recent comments on the internet, saying that any bankruptcy rumors are completely untrue.在这一消息披露的几小时前,恒大试图让公众对其业务放心。恒大是中国最大的房地产开发商之一。在周一晚上的一份声明中,这家总部位于深圳的大企业集团回应了互联网上“最近的议论”,称任何破产传言“都是完全不真实的”。

📒 精读解析:
句型:come after…,常用在新闻报道中达到承上启下的效果。
1、reassure v. /ˌriːəˈʃʊr/
assure someone的意思是“向某人保证/确保”,那么反复的“保证、确保”就是“使某人安心”
【例句】The doctor reassured him that there was nothing seriously wrong. 医生安慰他说,没什么严重的病。

生活大爆炸 第五季第2集
2、conglomerate n. /kənˈɡlɑːmərət/
a large business firm consisting of several different companies. 联合大公司;企业集团

The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate. 这些化学公司已经合并成了一个巨型企业集团。
3、 address v.
① to make a formal speech to a group of people 演讲,注意直接用作及物动词to address a meeting 在会议上发表演讲
② to say something directly to somebody 向…说话
【搭配】address someone;address something to someone
【例句】Hydar brought his wife, Nafisa, who raised her voice every time she addressed me.海达尔带来了他的妻子娜菲莎,她每次和我说话都提高嗓门。
③  to use a particular name or title for sb when you speak or write to them 称呼(某人)
【例句】The judge should be addressed as ‘Your Honour’. 对法官应该称“法官大人”。
④ to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it 设法解决;处理;对付
可以直接后跟需要解决的问题,也可以搭配 address oneself to something
【例句】We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution. 我们必须设法解决交通污染问题。


But on Tuesday, Evergrande acknowledged its difficulty in finding buyers for its assets, saying that it is uncertain as to whether the group will be able to consummate any such sale. Evergrande shares plunged almost 12% Tuesday to 2.97 Hong Kong dollars, its lowest level since December 2014. The stock has shed 80% of its value this year.但在周二,恒大承认在为其资产寻找买家方面存在困难,称“该集团能否完成此类出售尚不确定”。周二,恒大股价暴跌近12%,至2.97港元,为2014年12月以来的最低水平。今年以来,该股市值已缩水80%。

这个词作形容词和动词时发音不一样。v. /ˈkɒnsəmeɪt/ to make sth complete or perfect 使完整;使完美a. /kənˈsʌmət/ extremely skilled; perfect 技艺高超的;完美的
【例句】Financial buyers, meanwhile, have fresh capital and the credit availability required to consummate deals. 与此同时,金融买家拥有完成交易所需的新资本和可用信贷。
He acted the part with consummate skill.  他以精湛的演技饰演了这个角色。
2、plunge  v. /plʌndʒ/
to decrease suddenly and quickly 暴跌;骤降;突降
Stock markets plunged at the news of the coup. 政变的消息一传来,股票市场便暴跌。
该词也可以用作名词:如:a dramatic plunge in profits 利润锐减
【例句】Share prices plummeted to an all-time low. 股票价格暴跌到历史最低点。
3、 shed v. /ʃed/
这个词是不规则动词, 其过去式和过去分词都是shed。
① to get rid of something you do not need or want去除,摆脱(不想要的东西)
② to lose a covering, such as leaves, hair, or skin, because it falls off naturally, or to drop something in a natural way or by accident (自然地)脱落,掉下
③  其他搭配:shed tears 洒泪;shed blood 流血
【例句】Earlier this month Harmony said that it might shed 10, 000 jobs if conditions worsen. 本月早些时候,Harmony公司表示,如果情况恶化,公司可能会裁员1万人。
The Dow Jones industrial average shed 198.75 points, or 1.59 percent, to close at 12, 302.55道琼斯工业平均指数收跌198.75点,或1.59%,最终接近12302.55点。



The company also disclosed on Tuesday that the proposed sale of its office building in Hong Kong, a massive property in a major commercial district on Hong Kong Island had not been completed within the expected timetable. Evergrande's problems were underscored this week when protests reportedly broke out at its headquarters in Shenzhen.该公司周二还透露,计划出售的香港写字楼“没有在预期的时间表内完成销售”。香港写字楼是香港岛一个主要商业区的大型地产。据报道,恒大深圳总部本周爆发了抗议活动,突显了恒大的问题。

第一句话宾语从句中的主谓宾主干是:The proposed sale had not been completed.
1、underscore v.
等于underline 在…下面划线;突出显示; 强调
【例句】The Labour Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery. 劳工部的数字突出显示了经济复苏的不稳定。
2、reportedly adv.
according to what some people say 据说;据报道;据传闻
我们中国学生表达“据报道”时常用it is reported to/that,将这个短语用reportedly 代替会使句子显得更加地道。
More than two hundred people have reportedly been killed in the past week's fighting. 据报道有两百多人在上周的战斗中丧生。


Hundreds of investors showed up at Evergrande's offices on Sunday to demand a meeting with a company executive, according to Chinese news outlet Caixin. Reuters reported similar scenes on Monday, with about 100 protesters on scene. Evergrande did not immediately respond to a request for further comment.据中国新闻媒体财新报道,周日,数百名投资者出现在恒大的办公室,要求与公司高管会面。路透社周一报道了类似的场景,现场约有100名抗议者。恒大对进一步置评的请求没有立即回应。
1、on scene 在现场
on (the) scene,on the site,on the spot都有“现场”的意思,那是否可以随便用呢?
spot 一般指的是相对较小的特定地点或事物的所在地,同时 on the spot 有“当场”的意思。
【例句】They remain on scene after they have been ordered to leave. 他们在被命令离开后仍在现场。(出自福布斯关于奥克兰抗议的报道)
Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield. 钻探还将继续在现场进行以估测新油田的大小。
Mr Kim is used to making investment decisions on the spot, based on hunches. 金先生习惯于根据直觉当场做出投资决定。

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