





第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



The Opening University calls it “OU supports open learning”. It􀆳sa method of distance learning that􀆳s accessible to everybody living inthe European Union. There are also a number of courses which can be followed onlineby those outside these countries.


An Opening University student works within a small group who are in communicationwith their tutor by post, fax,telephone and e-mail. The tutor􀆳s function is to mark the student􀆳swork, to comment upon it and offer any assistancerequired. Students in the United Kingdom usually have an opportunity of attendingday schools, which bring the group together with the tutorat the specific phases of the course, for the purposeof group tutoring.


The Open University learning materials consist of textbooks preparedfor each course as well as assignment sheets. Many students have a PC with software, audio and video cassettes.


The Opening University works in cooperation with the BBC in the makingof programs that will assist many students in the courses. Known as the LearningZone, this series of programs can be viewed live bystudents in the UK; students in other countriescan receive the programs on video.


Computers are a basic part of many Open University studies. They areavailable for rental to students studying at Level One courses such as “Using Mathematics”, “You, Your Computer and the Net”, and “Discovering Science”. The Open University believes in the importanceof acquiring computer skills, many of which will bevaluable after the student has completed the course.

21.What do we know about the Opening University?

A.It focuses most on computer skills.

B.It provides students courses online.

C.It only intends for students in Britain.

D.It assists the BBC to arrange special courses.

22.Students in the UK attending day schoolsof the Opening University can . 

A.be tutored in groups

B.celebrate their graduations

C.mark the others􀆳 homework

D.have a teamwork with the BBC

23.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To advertise special computer skills in the university.

B.To introduce open learning from the Opening University.

C.To show alternative courses from the Opening University.

D.To tell about assignment sheets in the university textbooks.


Last year my daughter and I rescued several hurt street baby dogs andwe had the homeless dog vaccinated (接种疫苗) and taken inby a local animal rescue center here in Mumbai, India where we live as foreigners. We have been volunteering at theshelter ever since. I was recently feeling the push to serve more, so I scheduled a Saturday visit.

My daughter had social invitations, but she also felt the push to visit the shelter, so she planned to go there with her friends and me, later in the day instead. We piled up old blankets,sheets and pillows to take along and donate. On arriving and touring, we met 500 dogs and 200 cats being cared for at this shelter. Afterthe tour we served meals to the puppies in the sick or injured puppy room. We heldand comforted those who would clearly survive their injuries and several who wereso sick that the volunteer vet on hand said they had a 50% chance of being alivenext week. Then we fed two sick and abandoned young kittens.

While feeding the animals I watched the workers who were cleaning outsome of the dog houses with healthy dogs who would be returned to the streets. Iwas touched most by how often they stopped in their duty to pet and play with thesedogs. They did it with such love. While some workers and volunteers were paid, others were paid nothing to support these animals.

My daughter and I stayed for 4-5 hours, beyond the time she had scheduled to meet friends for lunch. She choseto cancel her social date and spend more time with these animals despite the toughconditions. Tired and dirty, we felt blessed to sharesome time with people who care deeply for relieving the suffering of so many vulnerablebeings. And then we went back. May all the sick and injured animals be relievedof their suffering.

24.Why did the author plan a Saturday visitto the shelter?

A.To apply to be a real social volunteer.

B.To build up homes for homeless dogs.

C.To do more work for homeless animals.

D.To attend her daughter􀆳s gatherings with friends.

25.According to the second paragraph,. 

A.not all of the hurt animals in the shelter could keep alive

B.the author􀆳s daughter finally accepted social invitations

C.the author merely fed sick dogs with his daughter and friends

D.most hurt animals in the shelter have a 50% chance of being alive

26.What moved the author most while volunteering?

A.The animals led a happy life in the shelter.

B.The workers showed deep love to the animals.

C.The workers were paid nothing to do their work.

D.Many healthy animals would come back to the streets.

27.What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A.The schedule of the author􀆳s daughter.

B.The author􀆳s wish to return to care animals.

C.The reasons for the author􀆳s daughter missing her social date.

D.The feelings of the father and daughter as volunteers in the shelter.


A survey of university backgrounds of heads of major global companiesfound that Harvard in the United States was the most likely place to have studiedin.

The Times Higher Education magazine ranked the universities attended by chief executiveofficers (CEO) of Fortune Global500 companies. There are four US universities in the top 10, with three from France, two from Japanand one from South Korea. The highest ranked UK university is Oxford in 21st place.

This league table, described as the AlmaMater Index, shows which universities around the world taughtthe bosses of some of the world􀆳s biggest companies. One in 20 had a degreefrom a single institution, Harvard. This includedMargaret C. Whitman of Hewlett-Packard, Jeffrey R. Immeltof General Electric and Vittorio Colao of Vodafone.

But the top 10 for producing business leaders does not contain all theusual names that appear at the top of university rankings. Oxford and Cambridgeare absent, but the University of Pennsylvania in the USand Keio University in Japan are included, along with three French universities, headed by the Ecole Polytechnique.

Across the top 100, universities from theUS dominate,followed by universities in China, Japan, France and Germany. Thereare more CEOs who went to university in Asia than in Europe. In terms of nationalcomparisons, UK universities produced the sixth highest numberof global chief executives,with Oxford in 21st placeand Cambridge in 45th place.

But even though Harvard might have taught the biggest number of bossesfrom the top 500 companies, it was not attended byany of the heads of the biggest 10 companies, who were from a more diverse range of universities.

Royal Dutch Shell is headed by a graduate of Zurich University of AppliedSciences; Walmart is headed by a student of Georgia Techand Exxon Mobil has a chief executive from the University of Texas, Austin. Three of the leaders of these biggest companies went to universityin China and the head of Volkswagen went to university in Stuttgart.

28.How many Asian universities are among theworld􀆳s top 10 universities for global CEOs?

A.One.    B.Two.   C.Three.      D.Four.

29.What does the underlined word “dominate”in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

 A.Decrease.      B.Accelerate.

C.Take the lead.        D.Make greatprogress.

30.What can we learn about the UK universities?

A.Cambridge University ranks highest among them.

B.None of them are among the top 10 list of the survey.

C.They performed better than French universities on the list.

D.They produced the second most number of global CEOs.

31.Which of the following can be the best titlefor the text?

A.The Rankings of the Famous Universities in the World

B.Which Is Described as the Best University in the World?

C.Students Are Currently Entering Various Top-class Universities

D.Which University Tops the League Table of Where Bosses Studied?


“Could your weekend lie-in (睡懒觉) kill you?” asked the DailyMail. It is said in a study that sleepingmore at weekends can increase the risk of heart disease. Since most of us changeour sleep schedule depending on whether it􀆳s a work or non-work day, it􀆳s an interesting question. Is the lie-in really so dangerous? Researchers say that changing sleep patterns causes social jet lag.Is that even a thing?

 Changing our sleeping hours causesthe effect of crossing a time zone—it makes us sleepy during the day. People whochanged their sleep patterns were also more likely to gain weight during the studyand more suited to going to bed and waking late because of the change of their biologicalclock. They were more at risk of these changes than earlier sleepers and risers.The study also shows an association between switching sleep patterns and changesin some blood results. It does not show that anyone􀆳s developing heartdisease was because they had lie-ins.

Jim Horne, one of the professors of the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University, says the concept of social jet lag is likely to feed our anxiety aboutsleep, so we should really stop worrying so much andhave a limited weekend lie-in. Worry is bad for sleep and we naturally compensatefor not getting enough rest in the week by lying-in at weekends, so we shouldn􀆳t stop doingit. However, we should limit the time. 

 Studies show that if you accumulate a five-hoursleep debt during the week, then you only need oneand a half hours of extra sleep on your days off to make up for it. It would bea shame to be scared of a lie-in. Studies of sleep and risk factors for heart diseasecan struggle to tell between poor sleep causing stress and stress disrupting sleep.Work stress can cause both a rise in blood pressure and changes in sleep patterns.Sleep is the test for the state of one􀆳s health, and the most important thing that happens when you don􀆳t getenough of it is that you feel sleepy.

32.What􀆳s the probable effect of changing our sleep patterns?

A.Becoming unhealthy.

B.Losing weightquickly.

C.Easily adaptingto time zones.

D.Becoming earlysleepers and risers.

33.What is Jim Horne􀆳s attitude towards the weekend lie-in?

 A.Negative.      B.Doubtful. C.Unconcerned.        D.Supportive.

34.What does the underlined phrase “doing it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

 A.Lying-in.        B.Worrying.

C.Sleeping early.      D.Compensating for the limit.

35.What can we infer from the text?

A.The sleep debtmust be paid off completely.

B.The weekendlie-in is a bad habit for all people.

C.The more hoursone sleeps, the healthier he will be.

D.Poor sleepmay result from and cause stress in turn.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)


Over the courseof my life, I come to realize we will have unpleasant feelingsfrom time to time. Our loved ones will pass away, our friends and families will disappoint us, and the challenges of life will make us angry and frustrated. 36I have experienced a lot and find out some effective ways to helpexpress our feelings. 

●37 When expressingstrong feelings, many people intend to start talking over theother person instead of listening to what he or she is saying. If you do so, you won􀆳t have the possibility of clearing up any misunderstandings. 

●Exercise tohelp deal with depression. Despite the commonly held belief that people need tolet off their anger to help reduce its damaging effects, research indicates that this method is not helpful and can actuallyincrease anger. However,exercise is very effectiveat relieving symptoms of sadness and anxiety. 38  

●Allow yourselfto cry. Crying is viewed as a sign of weakness in some cultures. 39Many people end up feeling better after crying, especially if they are in a secure environment around loved ones. 

●Try expressingyourself through art. 40 For example, art can help survivors process their feelings. These methods are powerfulbecause they remove the need to create words,allowing you to access your feelings directly. 

A.Remember tolisten.

B.Talk to a goodfriend or a family member.

C.However, it is a valuable outlet for your negative feelings.

D.Do controlyourself and try not let your anger hurt other persons.

E.Therefore, try slow exercises like yoga to help you relax and calm down.

F.When thosepainful feelings arise, we should know how todeal with them properly.

G.Studies suggestartistic expression is a healthy, helpful way toexpress your feelings.


第三部分语言知识运用 (共两节,满分 45分)

第一节 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、 B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

My kids sat onGee􀆳s living room floor and respectfully lifted Christmas decorations outof a cardboard box. They shouted with 41 when theydiscovered a tiny toy cat. Finally, my son was42about a tiny modern helicopter, just on the contrary, my daughter witha 43 Mickey Mouse. 

Gee stood besidethem,44 each treasure.She turned to me and continued to say she and Tom built their 45over time by buying one or two nice ones each year in the after-Christmassales. Eventually, we 46, with boxes in my arms and she was smiling. Her 47belongings, gathered over a lifetime,found a new home.  

We first 48Tom and Gee in the early days of our marriage. Jim and I workedfull-time, and in the morning we laid our garbage canson the roadside,49 to waitthe long, lonely 10 hours there until we returned to 50them, because we were very busy.Instead, we􀆳d come home every day to find themneatly51 in their spot next to our garage. 52we finally saw an elderly man who 53 with his10-year-old grandson across from us pick it up. 

Tom and Gee 54picked up garbage cans and taught us what it 55to be a neighbor. They taught us that home doesn􀆳t endat a property line. It 56 to allthese people. These people, the57among them and the love that flows through them all explain whata home is. 

This Christmas, we􀆳ll decorate our tree with Gee􀆳s 58. We􀆳ll bring beautifully packaged Christmas presents to some59 like the old man. To others, we􀆳ll just 60 a waveand a “Merry Christmas.” 

41.A.pain      B.delight      C.embarrassment      D.caution

42.A.crazy     B.anxious     C.calm   D.doubtful

43.A.worn     B.slight  C.traditional D.silly

44.A.designing   B.getting      C.hiding D.explaining

45.A.collections  B.interest     C.possessions    D.pleasure

46.A.refused B.arrived       C.selected    D.left

47.A.strange B.precious    C.modern     D.spare

48.A.accepted     B.invited       C.met     D.thanked

49.A.bound        B.conscious C.afraid D.willing

50.A.store up      B.deal with  C.make out  D.careabout

51.A.buried  B.transformed    C.developed D.placed

52.A.Then     B.Actually     C.Previously D.Therefore

53.A.worked B.quarrelled C.lived   D.wandered

54.A.carelessly    B.quietly       C.casually     D.angrily

55.A.resisted       B.reflected   C.meant D.expected

56.A.turns    B.adds   C.agrees       D.extends

57.A.control B.words C.connections    D.comfort

58.A.decorations B.fund   C.methods   D.help

59.A.partners      B.neighbors       C.colleagues D.relatives

60.A.stop      B.create C.keep   D.exchange



第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


We have delicateconstitution and throughout our life likely suffer from various illnesses. Whenyou are ill, you must be unpleasant on account of your body61 (usual) becoming hot,and there are pains allover your body. You may have no desire to work and just stay in bed,62 (feel) very sad. 

 What 63 (make) us ill? It is germs (病菌). Germs,64 can􀆳t be found with your nakedeyes, are everywhere. They are very tiny65you can still see them with a microscope. There could be66(ten) of hundreds of them on a very small thing. 

 Germs are always in dirty water. When we look atdirty water under the microscope, we shall seethem in it. So you won􀆳t be allowed 67 (drink) dirty water by your father and mother. 

 Germs exist in water and often they 68(find) in air and dust as well. If you cut your finger, if some of 69 dust fromthe floor goes into the cut, some of the germs willgo into your finger. Your finger will become big and red, and you will feel very 70(pain). Sometimes the germs will enter into all ofyour body, and you will have pain everywhere. 



第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、 删除或修改。




注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Today my fourteen-year-oldson and I held a yard sale lasting a hour. He was absent-minded and stayed on hisphone most of the times. Then a mother and her daughter came up, clearly troubling, and the mother told meher daughter had been suffered from a fever. Her daughter asked my son how manya toy bear was. My son looked right for her and said, “Give me the biggest smile you ever get.” The little girl gave him abig smile. He then handed his bear to him, saying happily, “That smile worth a milliondollars.” I􀆳ve never been such proud of him.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)



2.咨询相关情况(授课时间、 授课要求和报酬等)。












61.usually 62.feeling 63.makes 64.which 65.but 66.tens 67.to drink68.are found 69.the70.painful



Today my fourteen-year-old son and I held a yard sale lastinga hour. He was absent-minded and stayed on his phonemost of the times. Then a mother and her daughtercame up, clearlytroubling, and the mother told me her daughter had been sufferedfrom a fever. Her daughter asked my son how many a toy bear was. My son


looked right for her and said, “Give me the biggest smile you ever get.” The little girl gave him abig smile. He then handed his bear to him, saying happily, “That smile  worth a million dollars.” I􀆳ve never beensuch proud of him.


One possible version:

Dear Smith,

 I􀆳m a student from Grade 3 of a nearbysenior high school and I􀆳m good at Chinese and also can speak English well.As I􀆳m interested in your advertisement looking for a Chinese tutor, I􀆳d like to know something more about it.

What I􀆳m concerned aboutmost is the timetable. Is it appropriate for you to fix the teaching schedule atweekends?Besides, I wonder whether you have special requirements for thetutor, like sex, age, education background, etc. If any, would you please tell me in detail? Additionally, it couldn􀆳t be better if you could send mesome information about the pay.

  Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


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