
Experts reveal how to avoid embarrassment

2017-06-23 小仙 小仙英语伴读订阅号

ChinaDaily-Experts reveal how to avoid embarrassment of buying the wrong gifts this Christmas

  译  专家揭秘:如何避免圣诞节送礼不当惹尴尬

  单词  reveal 揭秘

  单词  embarrassment 尴尬

____ Editor's notes: This is old News. This is a reading material for English learner. ____

  译  编者按:就是旧闻。是英语学习者阅读材料。

Christmas Day is for eating, drinking, watching bad TV - and trying to cover up your embarrassment as you realise your husband's Aunt Maude has spent her pension on your present while you bought her a set of hankies.

  译  在圣诞节那天,人们吃吃喝喝,看看没营养的电视剧——还要试图掩饰因送礼不当产生的尴尬,如你丈夫的麦德阿姨用退休金给你买了贵重礼物,而你却只送了她一套廉价手帕。

  短语  cover up 掩饰

  单词  realise 了解,认识到

  单词  husband 丈夫

  单词  pension 退休金

  单词  hanky 手帕

Present-buying can be a minefield; from how much to spend, to whether to risk surprising recipients with a gift they don't want, to knowing if you should buy your neighbour you only say hello to a little something.

  译  圣诞节买礼物是一件很棘手的事,要买多少钱的?是否买收礼人不想要的礼物,出其不意?是否要给点头之交的邻居买点小礼物?这些都是需要考量的问题。

  单词  minefield 棘手的

  单词  recipient 接受者

  单词  neighbour 邻居

  固定用法  how much 多少;一般用于问句中;how many与how much的区别:how many用来修饰可数名词的复数,它的句式是:How many+复数名词+一般疑问句+? how much用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可单独成句,表示询问有多少的意思。例句:How many books are there on the desk? 课桌上有多少本书?(书是可数名词)。 How much milk is there in the glass? 玻璃杯里有多少牛奶?(牛奶是不可数名词)How much? 多少(钱等,具体问什么要根据上下文语义而定)

Here, FEMAIL has asked experts including dating gurus and personal shoppers for their top tips on present-buying etiquette to ensure the only thing that's red this Christmas is Rudolf's nose.

  译  那么,买礼物有什么讲究?为确保大家这个圣诞节购礼不闹笑话惹尴尬,FEMAIL征求了专家意见,包括约会专家和私人购物者,现为大家提供以下重要购礼贴士。

  单词  gurus 专家

  单词  shopper 购物者

  单词  etiquette 礼仪

  注解  to ensure the only thing that's red this Christmas is Rudolf's nose,确保在这个暑假,只有鲁道夫的鼻子是红的。这个是作者幽默的表现之处,即,确保你不会因为圣诞节礼物送的不当而脸红尴尬。


  译  给伴侣的礼物**

Spend: New romance £20-50; long-term couples £100-£150

  译  花销:新情人20-50英镑;配偶100-150英镑

  单词  romance romance

'If you've just started seeing someone you don't need to spend a fortune,' says dating guru James Preece (www.jamespreece.com).

  译  “如果你刚开始与某人约会,那就没必要给对方买很贵重的礼物。”约会专家詹姆斯·普里斯说(来源:www.jamespreece.com)。

  单词  fortune 贵重

  短语  dating guru 约会专家

'It's much better to impress them with your imagination by choosing a gift that's a little bit different. £20 is about the right amount, with a maximum of £50 if you can afford it.

  译  “发挥想象力,选择与众不同的礼物让他们印象深刻,这个法子更好。至于花销方面,20英镑最佳,如果负担得起,多花一些也无妨,但不要超过50英镑。”

  单词  impress 印象

  单词  imagination 想象力

  单词  maximum 最大值

  单词  afford 花费得起

  短语  a little bit 有点儿;例句:This bread is a little bit stale. 这面包有点儿不新鲜。

Or you don't even need to go that far, says relationship expert and founder of BeLoveCurious.com, Helen Rice.

  译  “或者根本没必要想那么多。”人际专家、www.jamespreece.com网站创始人海伦·赖斯(Helen Rice)说。

  单词  founder 创始人

  语法  此处says relationship expert and founder of BeLoveCurious.com, Helen Rice使用了倒装的用法,正常的语序应是relationship expert and founder of BeLoveCurious.com, Helen Rice says。英语的正常语序是“主谓紧相连,宾、表、状语在后面”。即英语的基本语序是“主语+谓语”+其他.但是由于句子结构的需要或表示强调,将谓语或谓语的一部分放到主语的前面,这种句式就称之为倒装。倒装的原因,一是语法结构的需要(如某些疑问句),二是为了强调.倒装又可分为全倒装和半倒装。将谓语动词完全移到主语之前的称为全倒装;只将助动词、be动词或情态放到主语之前的称为半倒装或叫部分倒装。即:在英语中,我们把主语在前谓语动词在后的句子叫陈述句,把谓语动词放在主语前面的句子叫倒装句。如果全部谓语放在主语之前,叫完全倒装;如果只把助动词或情态动词或be动词放在主语之前叫部分倒装。

Plan to spend a romantic evening together or have a fun day out. Feel free to give the person you're dating something thoughtful, just don't spend a lot of money.

  译  “安排一次浪漫的晚餐或出去开心玩一天。随意送一些花心思的玩意儿给你约会的对象,只是不要花很多钱在上面。”

  单词  romantic 浪漫的

  单词  thoughtful 花心思的

'If you're in a long-term relationship then your budget really reflects on your personal situation,' adds James.

  译  “如果你与对方是长期交往的关系,那么你花钱多少确实会反映出你的个人情况。”詹姆斯补充道。

  单词  long-term 长期的

  单词  reflect 反映

'You don't need to go crazy, but it's a great opportunity to show you love and appreciate them.

  译  “虽然没必要疯狂行事,但这是向他们表达你的爱与感恩的好机会。”

  单词  crazy 疯狂

  单词  appreciate 感恩

'It's also best to buy a few cheaper presents rather than one big one. Part of the fun is the mystery and unwrapping, so it will last longer if you give them several to enjoy.

  译  “买几样便宜些的礼物好过等额买一样贵的。收到礼物的乐趣部分来源于礼物的神秘感和拆礼物,所以如果你送他们好几个小礼物,那份乐趣会更绵长。”

  单词  mystery 神秘感

  单词  unwrap 拆

  短语  part of ... (某事物的)一部分;例句:He received part of his education in England. 他有一部分教育是在英国接受的。

  短语  a few 少量,一点点;few与a few 的区别是,a few:一点点,用于修饰可数名词,肯定用法,表示还是有一些的。例如:There are a few apples on the table. 桌子上有几个苹果。 few:用于可数名词,否定用法,表示几乎没有。例如:There are few apples on the table. 桌子上几乎没苹果…

  短语  rather than ... 而不是..., 宁可…也不愿...;例句:It is better to express your anger, rather than bottle it up. 生气宁可发泄出来而不要闷在肚内。

Source: China Daily

  译  源自:《中国日报》


