
Drivers in Beijing Have to Pass English Examination

2017-02-15 小仙 小仙英语伴读订阅号

Drivers in Beijing Have to Pass English Examination for Online Calling

  译  北京网约车司机考试将考英语听力

____ Editor's notes: This is old News. This is a reading material for English learner. ____

  译  编者按:就是旧闻。是英语学习者阅读材料。

If you want your car to serve Beijing's burgeoning car-hailing apps, you will have to refine your English language skills now.

  译  如果你想让私家车接入北京迅速发展的叫车应用,现在你得提高自己的英语技能了。

  词法  burgeon 发芽;萌芽;迅速发展。例:She burgeoned into an excellent actress. 她迅速成长为一名优秀的女演员。

  词法  hail 冰雹;招呼;喝彩;宣称。例:An old friend hailed me from the other side of the street. 一个老朋友从街的对面喊我。

  词法  refine 精炼;改进。例:The author is planning to refine on his work of five years ago.作者打算把他5年前的著作修改得更完美些。

A license that allows drivers to work for such apps in Beijing requires three tests, including a practice driving test and two written exams - one for general driving knowledge and another for driving in Beijing, including the city's transport system and an English listening test.

  译  北京地区司机须通过三门考试拿到证书才能为此类应用服务,考试内容包括道路实操驾驶考试和两门笔试,其中一门笔试的内容是基础驾驶知识,另一门是包括北京市交通系统和英语听力考试在内的北京地区驾驶考试。

  词法  require 要求;需要;命令。例:The headmaster required her to keep silent. 校长命令她保持安静。

  词法  general 普遍的,一般性的,总的;将军。例:They gave a general description of the man.他们对这个男人作了大致的描述。

  词法  transport 运输;传播。例:The transport of goods by air is very expensive. 空运货物费用十分昂贵。

The new move came after China toughened regulations on its Uber-like apps in October, making it even harder for drivers to get a license in megacities like Beijing and Shanghai. The drivers are required to be locals and have local car plates.

  译  这一新举措是在我国在十月份加强了对Uber这类应用的管制之后推出的,这使得司机在北京、上海这样的大城市获得许可证更加困难。规定要求司机必须是当地人,并有当地的汽车车牌。

  词法  toughen 变坚韧;变健壮;变顽固。例:This experience will toughen her. 这次经历会让她变坚韧。

  词法  regulation 管理;规章;规则。例:This regulation refers only to children. 这些规定仅适用于儿童。

  背景  Uber 优步,是一家美国硅谷的科技公司。因旗下同名打车APP而名声大噪。

  词法  megacity 大城市。例:Wuhan which is the megacity of central China has witnessed rapid economic development in recent years. 武汉市作为中部地区的特大城市,近些年的经济发展极其迅速。

Drivers are expected to master 26 polite sentences frequently used while providing taxi services, such as "Welcome to Beijing!", "It's my pleasure to serve you" and "Would you like the air conditioning on?"

  译  司机最好掌握提供出租车服务时常用的26句礼貌用语,如欢迎来北京、很高兴为您服务、您需要打开空调吗。

  词法  master 主人,硕士,专家;控制,精通。例:She learned to master her anger. 她学会了控制自己不发火。

  词法  polite 有礼貌的;客气的;有教养的。例:This boy is polite to everyone. 这个男孩对所有人都很礼貌。

  词法  frequently 频繁地;经常地。例:He comes to visit me frequently. 他经常来看我。

The language requirement aims to serve Beijing's diverse population, including large expatriate communities. The accreditation examination is free of charge to all the applicants.

  译  对语言的要求旨在为北京市大量外籍人士等多样化人口服务。该资格考试对所有申请者免费开放。

  词法  diverse 不同的;多种多样的。例:They are the people from diverse cultures. 他们是些有着不同文化背景的人。

  词法  expatriate 移居外国者。例:I went to a bar in an expatriate area. 我去了一个老外聚居区的酒吧。

  词法  accreditation 认证;委派。例:He carried a letter of accreditation. 他带了一份委派书。

By narrowing down eligible drivers and cars, China moved ahead of other countries to give the previously murky industry legal status.

  译  通过缩小合格的司机和汽车的范围,中国已经超越了其他国家,给此前这一低迷的行业提供了法律地位。

  短语  narrow down 减少;限制;缩小;变窄。例:The river has narrowed down over the past 20 years. 这条河在过去的二十年变窄了许多。

  词法  eligible 有资格的;合适的。例:Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。

  词法  murky 黑暗的;朦胧的;含糊的;隐晦的。例:The law here is a little bit murky. 此处的法律条文有点含糊不清。


