
Ecolinguistics: Language, Ecology and the Stories We Live By

2017-04-25 蔡雷英语


每期推送 1 本英语原版教科研图书供各位英语教师、英语专业本硕博同学阅读和研究使用!感谢关注,欢迎转发!仅供学术交流,严禁商业传播。



A thoroughly updated edition of this prize-winning, readable introduction to the main theories of first and second language acquisition.

The increasingly rapid destruction of the ecological systems that support life is calling into question some of the fundamental stories that we live by: stories of unlimited economic growth, of consumerism, progress, individualism, success, and the human domination of nature.

Ecolinguistics shows how linguistic analysis can help reveal the stories we live by, open them up to question, and contribute to the search for new stories. Bringing together the latest ecolinguistic studies with new theoretical insights and practical analyses, this book charts a new course for ecolinguistics as an engaged form of critical enquiry. Featuring:

  • A framework for understanding the theory of ecolinguistics and applying it practically in real life;

  • Exploration of diverse topics from consumerism in lifestyle magazines to Japanese nature haiku;

  • A comprehensive glossary giving concise descriptions of the linguistic terms used in the book;

  • Discourse analysis of a wide range of texts including newspapers, magazines, advertisements, films, nonfiction books, and visual images.

  • This is essential reading for undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers working in the areas of Discourse Analysis and Language and Ecology.

下载提醒:本次精选推送 原版图书 | How language  are learned(2013),为国外相关研究领域近年难得的理论介绍书籍,希望这次推送的书籍能给大家的学习、教学和研究工作带去便利。

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