
四六级 · 新闻听力 | CNN NEWS EU [ 习题+答案 ]

2016-10-22 蔡雷英语
四六级 · 新闻听力 

2016 Nobel Prize for medicine

CNN NEWS Zika virus [ 习题+答案 ]


听力练习Listening Practice

Q1: How many member states are involved in the EU? 

  1. 38 

  2. 18 

  3. 28 

  4. 48 

Q2: One of the major topics on the agenda is ______?

  1. climate change 

  2. migrant and refugee crisis 

  3. security of Internet 

  4. currency exchange rates  

Q3: What is not mentioned in the passage about the aim of the EU.

  1. create a single market 

  2. allow goods, capital, services and people to move between the member states 

  3. protect the security of member states 

  4. member states should follow the rules and they pay the entry fee   

Q4: ______ and _______ created a unity for profit.   

  1. France and Germany 

  2. British and France 

  3. British and Germany 

  4. France and Italy   

Q5: In 1951, six countries reached first accord by uniting the ______ and ______   industries, creating the ECSC. 

  1. steel and oil 

  2. steel and coal 

  3. oil and coal   

  4. cotton and coal   

Q6: The modern European Union adopt its name until______.  

  1. 1951  

  2. 1958  

  3. 1993  

  4. 2003   

Q7: The currency, the euro, generates an estimated _______ in GDP per year.  

  1. 11 trillion euros 

  2. 12 trillion euros 

  3. 13 trillio euros 

  4. 14 trillion euros

Q8: They have arguments over many problems, without______ 

  1. financial regulations 

  2. climate changes 

  3. bailouts 

  4. different approaches to migrationion euros

录音文本、答案Transcript & Keys




Fridays are awesome! I`m Carl Azuz with CNN STUDENT NEWS.

And I`m we`re jumping right in to our current events coverage with the report 

involving the European Union. It`s an organization of 28 countries. It`s holding a meeting in Brussels, Belgium this week.    

And one of the major topics on its agenda is Europe`s ongoing migrant and refugee crisis. There are more people streaming into Europe now than at any point since the Second World War, and there are a lot of disagreements among E.U. members and their citizens about how to address the situation. Another topic involves whether Britain will ultimately remain part of the European Union. Because this is an economic cooperation, the stakes are high.  



What is the E.U.?  The European Union is a group of countries that work together to create a single market, to allow goods, capital, services and people to move between the member states, as long as they follow the rules and they pay the entry fee.    

But we`re getting ahead 52 28933 52 15231 0 0 2154 0 0:00:13 0:00:07 0:00:06 3655 of ourselves. To start this story, we need to go right back to the end of World War II. After six years of fighting, Europe was disseminated传播.     

Economies were collapsing and mistrusts was rife盛传的; 流行的; as old enemies face the prospect of recreating trade ties.    

France and previous occupiers Germany faced the difficult task of creating a unity for profit. So, they started talking, mainly about steel and coal.  


 In 1951, a total of six countries, France, Belgium, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands reached their first accord by uniting the steel and coal industries, creating the European coal and steel community, or the ECSC.     

They later introduce the European Economic Community, EEC, in 1958. These two organizations are seen as the origin of the modern European Union, that wouldn`t adopt its name until 1993.    

More than six decades later, the European Union now represents more than half a billion people across 28 countries and with a common currency, the euro, which generates an estimated 14 trillion euros in GDP per year.     

The premise: countries who are economically linked are less likely to have conflicts.    But it isn`t a totally happy marriage for many countries. As some are affected 

differently by world events, there had been arguments over financial regulations, 

bailouts 保释and different approaches to migration.     

This has given rise to anti-E.U. parties across Europe, with many calling for their countries to withdraw from arguably the world`s most powerful union.   


