

iResearch 外研社外语学术科研

自动评分(automated scoring)是语言测试领域备受关注的焦点之一。与翻译自动评分相比,作文自动评分技术更为成熟(江进林 2022)。随着ChatGPT的“出圈”,也出现了将ChatGPT应用于外语写作与测评的实践与研究。Barrot(2023)指出,ChatGPT有可能帮助解决二语写作者的迫切需求,包括提供及时和适应性反馈、提供写作练习的平台、充当写作辅助工具。ChatGPT可以用作自动评分工具,根据预先设定的标准对学生的作文进行评分,并提供具体的评价建议。基于与ChatGPT的互动实践,Barrot(2023)发现该工具似乎能够考量一系列写作构念,如语用、语义、连贯、衔接、语言风格、格式、语法和句法,但在捕捉情感深度、写作声音、身份认同和修辞灵活性等人类写作特点方面似乎有点困难。

Su et al.(2023)展示了如何将ChatGPT应用于议论文写作过程教学中:在准备阶段,它可以帮助学生进行写作构思,并为学生的写作大纲提供反馈。在编辑阶段,它可以为学生的写作草稿提供反馈,以及不同的视角。该阶段聚焦内容质量,具体包括如何界定观点、组织子观点的逻辑流、从可靠来源选择证据并详细阐述证据、说明证据如何支持观点,并驳斥反对观点等内容。在校对阶段,它可以进行语言层面的改错。在反思阶段,与它的对话历史有助于促进写作者的反思。


Barrot, J. S., 2023, Using ChatGPT for second language writing: Pitfalls and potentials, Assessing Writing 57, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2023.100745.


Su, Y., Y. Lin, C. Lai, 2023, Collaborating with ChatGPT in argumentative writing classrooms, Assessing Writing 57, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2023.100752.




小编选取了一篇由英语专业大二学生写的议论文作文,题目为:The downsides of smartphones。该议论文话题是:Nowadays smartphones are widely used in our society. Is this a positive or negative development?

接下来,小编采用Su et al.(2023)所用的评价标准,让ChatGPT从观点(claim)、证据(evidence)和推理与反驳(reasoning and counterargument)三个方面评价这一学生作文的内容与结构。下面展示了整个问答过程:



The Downside of Smartphones

A recent survey suggested that there existed more than one billion cell-phones utilized by people in China, the majority being smartphones. There is no denying that smartphones lend fresh impetus to our everyday life, through which we can pay our bills anytime and everywhere to our convenience. Besides, smartphones can assist us to keep in touch with our friends regardless of time and distance. However, for my part, overindulgence in smartphones can lead to undesirable consequences, reducing our attention span and encroaching on face-to face communication.

First and foremost, convenience of smartphones has a paradoxical effect of taking away much of our attention. A case in point is that, intoxicated with many entertaining APPs, students are prone to reduced attention span, lagging behind their peers who rely less on smartphones. What is worse, more often than not, they cannot help scrolling the screen and checking messages while doing homework once the phone rings, failing to immerse themselves in their books wholeheartedly.

Secondly, it is the very smartphones that are posing threat to face-to-face communication, which is inextricably linked to social interaction. There exists a prevalent phenomenon that when a couple go out dating in a restaurant, they are more likely to stare at their phones respectively than to have a heart-to-heart talk with eye contact. It seems that instead of narrowing down the distance among people, smartphones are inclined to hinder one from interacting with others effectively and efficiently, which turns out to be nothing but detrimental to our socializing.

In all, there exists a world of difference between lives with and without smartphones. By no means can we be captivated by the comfortable and cozy life they bring us. We are supposed to heed the alarms and harness the power of smartphones in a more rational way so as not to be affected both in attention and in communication.




(1) The writing effectively addresses the downside of smartphones, discussing the impact on attention span and face-to-face communication.

(2) The main claim is that overindulgence in smartphones can lead to undesirable consequences, specifically reducing attention span and encroaching on face-to-face communication. The writer provides examples of students being distracted while doing homework and couples focusing on their phones rather than engaging in conversation.

(3)The subclaims about reduced attention span and hindrance to face-to-face communication are logically connected and support the main claim that overindulgence in smartphones has negative consequences.


(4) The writing does not provide specific evidence sourced from credible and trustworthy sources. It relies more on general observations and personal experiences.

(5) The writing does not provide detailed descriptions of specific evidence since it lacks cited sources or examples.

(6) While the writing mentions observations and experiences, it does not explicitly link them to supporting the main claim.

Reasoning and counterargument:

(7) The writing presents logical inferences regarding the negative impact of smartphone use on attention span and face-to-face communication. However, it does not delve deeply into the implications or potential consequences.

(8) The writing does not include any counterarguments to address opposing viewpoints or strengthen the argument.

(9)The writing effectively uses linking words to introduce points and connect ideas in a logical sequence, aiding the reader in understanding the writer's perspective.

In summary, the student's writing addresses the downsides of smartphones, specifically focusing on attention span and face-to-face communication. The writing lacks specific evidence from credible sources and fails to link the evidence provided to support its claims. It also does not incorporate counterarguments or delve deeply into the implications. However, it effectively uses linking words to maintain a logical flow in presenting ideas. To improve, the student should consider incorporating more concrete evidence and addressing counterarguments to strengthen the overall argument.




但是,我们也能看到,ChatGPT给出的一些建议会有些模糊,它的一些评价语比较抽象,如“specific evidence”“explicitly link them to supporting the main claim”。这可能是由于ChatGPT的生成能力有限,这时候就需要学生继续追问,请ChatGPT做出进一步的解释说明(Su et al. 2023)。比如,在本例中,小编针对“it does not explicitly link them to supporting the main claim”这一评语继续追问,请它给出修改建议:

此外,Su et al.(2023)指出,除了产出信息不准确问题,在写作中使用ChatGPT也会涉及伦理道德问题:文本可能涉及作者身份和抄袭问题,且ChatGPT这一大语言模型可能会产出带有偏见、不恰当的内容。所以,写作教师应引导学生批判性地审视ChatGPT产出的内容,并在必要时提供支持(scaffolding)和补充性反馈。








第五,与PEG相比,表7.1中的系统不仅使用相关度指标,还采用一致性指标来检验机器评分与人工评分的相似性。一致性包括绝对一致和相邻一致百分比(Chung & Baker,2003:28)。前者指机器与人工所评等级相同的文本数量占所评文本总数的比例,后者指机器与人工所评等级相差不大于1的文本数量占所评文本总数的比例。当评分量表为离散数据且等级较少时,往往使用绝对一致百分比;当评分等级较多时,也可使用相邻一致百分比(Yang et al.,2002)。






第111期我来读文献 | 《语言测试重点问题研究》(领读专家:高淼副教授)






