
6/07 DDC ▶ 波兰爵士艺术家 Grzegorz Karnas Quratet (PL. JAZZ)


时间:2023/6/07 21:00

主题:波兰爵士艺术家 Grzegorz Karnas Quratet

门票:80 (ADV) / 100 (DOOR)





Vocal: Grzegorz Karnas (PL)

Piano: Moreno Donadel (IT)

Bass: 王晨淮 (CN)

Drums: Victor Bastidas (CO)

Grzegorz Karnas

出生于非音乐世家的、欧洲独树一帜的人声艺术家Grzegorz Karnas阔别4年后首次回到中国,这次他将与一众国内的一流音乐家合作开展他的巡演。巡演演奏的作品,除了一些随性编曲的的爵士乐标准曲以外,主要以Karnas 的原创作品为特色,同时开放地为当地音乐家的创造力提供尽可能多的空间,让他们受其自身文化的影响而发展的音乐风格得到更加充分的参与。卡纳斯的音乐创造了一个空间,每个音乐家都可以根据自己的感受自由表达,不受编曲和作曲本身的束缚,用自己的原始音乐语言表达自己。卡纳斯是一位即兴创作的歌手和音乐梦想家。他的歌声是基于他天生的自发性,有时会变得喜怒无常,激发整个乐队不可预测的一面,这始终是集体创作音乐的真正本质的体现。


This is the first time the unique European vocal artist Grzegorz Karnas is coming back to China after the pandemic break. This time he will work with China-based musicians. The compositions performed by the band, apart from the loosely arranged jazz standards, will feature Karnas's originals conceived to give as much space as possible for the inventiveness of the local musicians whose styles are shaped by their own cultures. Karnas‘s music creates the space where each musician can express themselves in their original language of music according to how they feel rather to what they are expected to accomplish through demands of arrangements and compositions itself. Karnas is an improvising vocalist and music visionary. His singing is based on his natural spontaneity which at times gets temperamental often leading the whole band to unpredictable results which are always the manifestation of what the true nature of making music collectively is all about.

Karnas's highly skillful improvisations equal to those of the intrumentalists. He surrounds himself along with his ability to interact with the band and lead it inspired by a constant stream of music ideas gives the attentive audiences a look into the future of jazz singing.


Moreno Donadel

意大利古典、爵士钢琴演奏家、作曲家、编曲人、教育家。自幼接受正统的学院音乐教育,曾从师如Christine Meyr等多位一流国际音乐家。与他合作过的世界级爵士音乐家如Rufus Reid、Mark Murphy、Bob Mover、Enrico Granafei等。他还与中国的著名音乐人如郎朗、崔健、张惠妹有过合作。1998年Moreno定居北京,这十多年以来他一直致力于爵士乐在中国的普及和推广。

Italian classical and Jazz pianist, composer, arranger. In his early age he studied accordion and piano with world's well known musicians such as Ms. Christine Meyr. He played music with world famous musicians, such as Lee Konitz, Rufus Reid, Mark Murphy, Bob Mover, Anthony Hart, to name a few and he wrote arrangements and compose for the famous Chinese musicians such as Langlang, Cuijian, A-mei to name a few. He has been living in Beijing teaching Jazz and classical piano since 1998.



音乐人,荷兰克劳斯王子音乐学院爵士乐学士。美国纽约皇后学院演奏专业硕士。个人专辑《The Journey》曾获第30届金曲奖最佳演奏录音专辑。

Victor Bastidas

Victor Bastidas 在佛罗里达州国际大学获得了音乐学士学位,并且在音乐系获得了全额奖学金。他也与 Michael Brecker, Paquito de Rivera, Arturo Sandoval, Ira Sullivan 等等艺术家同台表演。

作为 Victor Bastidas Jazz Quintet UniVersal 的主作曲人和鼓手,他在纽约发表了两张专辑,最新的一张专辑在芝加哥录音,并且在许多国际音乐节上作为表演嘉宾,Victor 也为 Coda for Freddie Blue 写过音乐,还有 Vanity 的电影配乐。

Victor Bastidas received a Bachelor in Music from Florida International University with a full scholarship from the music department, and performed with artists such as Michael Brecker, Paquito de Rivera, Arturo Sandoval, Ira Sullivan among many.

As the director composer and drummer of the Project Collective, he has recorded two albums in New York City, Guayal and Canto Choco, and the latest record Tales of a Latin American Traveler was recorded in Chicago. He has performed at many festivals and live venues in US and also South America. Victor also wrote music for "Coda for Freddie Blue" of Broadway play in NY, and the Film Vanity in Miami.











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